roberto arista – software developer and designer - graphics type tools – static animated interactive – mostly fonts and vectors, sometimes rasters
collect data / master fonts / build books / write code
python for designers – type]media 1516 - typotheque - robofont
working from home somewhere in the south side of milano - italy

PGT Milano 2030

The PGT (Piano di Governo del Territorio) is a document collection, which every municipality in Lombardy is due to submit to the Region authority for approval. It replaced the traditional Piano Regolatore (masterplan) as a tool for urban planning and regulation. The PGT is made of several reports, thematic dossiers, maps providing strategies and rules concerning many aspects of the future urban development of the city.

Studio Folder (Marco Ferrari & Elisa Pasqual) was responsible for helping the urban planning department on the design of these documents. I joined the team to provide support on the design and production of tools to smoothen the workflow. I worked mainly on two issues: the Atlas contained into the General Report and the NIL (Nuclei di Identità Territoriale) dossier.

The Atlas shows the aim of the plan synthetically, identifying different areas of intervention on the city ground. The cartography is a 1:10000 scale. All sorts of tools were combined to build this section of the volume: starting from QGIS to Illustrator and Indesign with some help of Python scripting and Drawbot.

The NIL dossier instead presents many details concerning the present situation of the 88 districts of the city. Each zone is analyzed on different key aspects: socio-demographic data, green and water, urban transformation, public works, and public transport. The dossier in entirely generated with Python using tables and geo-referenced data.